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Count on our attic experts! Our company offers professional decontamination, cleaning and insulation!


When you are in need of attic cleaning, decontamination, or any attic insulation service, our friendly and knowledgeable professionals are the team to call. You can take a look at some of our most recent projects and find out more details about our company services by scrolling down below.

Rodent Proofing in Holmby Hills | Attic Cleaning Hollywood

Rodent Proofing

Customer Issue: Mrs. Churger heard that her building had had rodent problems in the past, and wanted to ensure it never happened again.
Our Solution: The appointment had us going room by room looking behind furniture and appliances and opening closets and plumbing cabinets looking for holes. Five were plugged with cement and steel wool barriers. The attic also had a hole gnawed all the way through to the roof that needed patching.

Belinda Churger - Holmby Hills
Rat Control Project | Attic Cleaning Hollywood, CA

Rat Control

Customer Issue: Discovered rat droppings in his attic.
Our Solution: Our team examined the customer's attic and identified several possible entry points, which we sealed. We then set up non-lethal traps to catch all the rats that were in the house and then cleaned and decontaminated the entire attic.

Ivan Buchanan - West Hollywood
Crawl Space Cleaning Project | Attic Cleaning Hollywood, CA

Crawl Space Cleaning

Customer Issue: Smelly and dirty crawl space.
Our Solution: When inspecting the crawl space we noticed wet and moldy areas that seemed to be spreading. We thoroughly cleaned all the mold and mildew, scrubbed the wet beams and removed all the discovered debris, rotting wood and small rodent carcasses.

Andre Norton - Brentwood
Attic Cleaning Project | Attic Cleaning Hollywood, CA

Attic Cleaning

Customer Issue: Attic needed cleaning.
Our Solution: Seeing as it was an old house, the attic was full of dusty items. After thoroughly removing all the dirt and all sorts of debris, we carefully examined the walls and the insulation for contaminants and proceeded to clean and decontaminate the entire space.

Alexander Wright - Hollywood
Rodent Proofing Installed | Attic Cleaning Hollywood, CA

Rodent Proofing Installed

Customer Issue: Wanted rodent prevention.
Our Solution: Our technicians inspected the attic for signs that rodents had already gotten in, such as waste or chewed wood. Then we found every potential opening and closed it off using steel wool so they would be unable to chew through.

Daniel McGee - Hollywood
Attic Insulation Replaced | Attic Cleaning Hollywood, CA

Attic Insulation Replaced

Customer Issue: Insulation needed replacement.
Our Solution: Our team used a high-powered vacuum to remove the damaged insulation from the attic, carefully so particles wouldn't pollute the air. Afterwards, we blew-in fresh fiberglass insulation to fill the cavities with the proper amount for the area.

Suzy Free - Hollywood
Attic Air Sealing | Attic Cleaning Hollywood, CA

Attic Air Sealing

Customer Issue: Wanted energy efficiency.
Our Solution: Our experts explained how attic air sealing helps to regulate the home's temperature and lower energy costs, therefore would be a good step towards energy efficiency. We used caulking to close up cracks and make the desired airtight seal.

Gavin Turney - Holmby Hills

Personal Touch

Great service is provided not only with knowledge, but also with a smile.

Affordable Prices

The best part about our top-notch service is that it's affordable!

Commercial & Residential

Your home deserves great service just like your business and luckily, we do both!

Satisfaction Guarantee

Our technicians will deliver the most effective solution to your problem – that's a guarantee!

Our competitive pricing guarantees you the best value possible when hiring our expert cleaners and installers! Leave your contact information below and we'll get back to you shortly!


Look to us for guaranteed satisfaction and the most helpful decorators in town. You can always count on us when it comes to your attic!

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May 14, 2024
8:00AM - 10:00AM
10:00AM - 12:00PM
12:00PM - 14:00PM
14:00PM - 16:00PM
16:00PM - 18:00PM

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